Authors – 278 of them – published in issues 1-21 of Screening the Past
STP could not exist without its contributors. The editors take this opportunity to acknowledge you and to thank you for your continuing support.
Deborah Allison
Richard Armstrong
Jonathan Auerbach
David Baker
Belinda Barnet
Neil Bather
Greg Battye
Keith Beattie
Roger Bell
Mervyn F. Bendle
John Benson
Chris Berry
Ina Bertrand
David Boyd
Eric Brannigan
Nicole Brenez
Nathalie Brillon
Jodi Brooks
Gene Brown
James Brown
Ian Bryson
Robert Burgoyne
Philip Butterss
Thomas Caldwell
Russell Campbell
Arthur Cantrill
Rose Capp
Peta Carlin
Rolando Caputo
Sandra Ivdrovo Carlier
Ken Coldicutt
Felicity Collins
Tom Conley
John Conomos
Paul Coughlin
Lisa Coulthard
Rebecca Coyle
Colin Crisp
Patrick Crogan
Tom Crosbie
Dennis Cryle
Sean Cubitt
Robin Curtis
Rasmus Dahl
Adrian Danks
Blair Davis
Mary Debrett
Melissa Deitz
Jeannette Delamoir
Anne Demy-Geroe
Jean Deprun
Jeanne Deslandes
Adam Dickerson
David Scott Diffrient
Terence Dobson
Stephanie Donald
Leanne Downing
Wenwei Du
Anna Dzenis
Laurie N. Ede
Ray Edmondson
David Ehrenstein
Chris Eipper
Thomas Elsaesser
Julia Erhart
Brian J. Evensen
Nart Farquar
Tiziana Ferrero-Regis
Mark Finn
Gabrielle Finnane
Caryl Flinn
Bernadette Flynn
Tony Fonseca
John Foot
Val Forbes
Steve Fore
Mark Freeman
Freda Freiberg
John Frow
Tag Gallagher
Mas Generis
Aaron Gerow
Sue Gillet
Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith
Annie Goldson
James Goodwin
Helen Grace
John Gray
John Grierson
Lee Grieveson
Tim Groves
Frances Guerin
Anthony Guneratne
Tom Gunning
Lisa Gye
Michael Hannan
John Hannon
Sue Harper
Sylvia Harvey
Wendy Haslem
Heather Heckman
Edwin Hees
Paul Heyer
Roger Hillman
Sam Hinton
Eleanor Hogan
Cathy Hope
Fincina Hopgood
Jan-Christopher Horak
Andrew Horton
Amanda Howell
Jubin Hu
Peter Hughes
Sally Hussey
Needeya Islam
D. B. Jones
Anahid Kassabian
Hu Ke
Bernadette Kester
Olivia Khoo
Chika Kinoshita
Adam Knee
George Kouvaros
Bill Krohn
Stanley Kwan
Grace Johansen
D. B. Jones
Hester Joyce
Thierry Jutel
Linda Lai
Jane Landman
Marcia Landy
Charles Leary
Mike Leggett
Samuel Lelievre
John A. Lent
Jacqui L’Etang
Peter Limbrick
Arthur Lindley
Vachel Lindsay
Sheldon Lu
Alex MacDonald
Joshua Malitsky
Richard Maltby
Martin Manning
Steven Maras
Harriet Margolis
Abe Mark
Adrian Martin
Jill Julius Matthews
Boleslas Matuszewski
Geoff Mayer
Benjamin McCann
Brian McFarlane
Alan McKee
Andrew McLaren
Allen Meek
Myra Mendible
Cory Messenger
Martin Mhando
Tony Mitchell
Ken Mogg
Gino Moliterno
Ewan Morris
Lorraine Mortimer
Stuart Moulthrop
Leon Moussinac
David Muir
Gabrielle Murray
Kevin Murray
P. K. Nair
Susan Napier
James Naremore
Leonie Naughton
Angela Ndalianis
Anitra Nelson
David Neo
Margaret Nixon
Geoffrey Nowell-Smith
Tim O’Farrell
Guillaume Ollendorff
Jaime S. Ong
Des O’Rawe
Derek Paget
Michael Paris
Richard Paterson
Roberta Pearson
Tony Pearson
Donna Peberdy
Jenny Perlin
Lisa Perrott
Patrice Petro
Violetta Petrova
Kristine Philipp
Kendall R. Phillips
Maria Pini
Kirstin Pilz
Leland Poague
Dana Polan
Murray Pomerance
Sam Popple
John Potts
Michael Powell
Inge Pruks-Izzo
Paul Ramaeker
Zakir Raju
Sean Redmond
Thomas Redwood
Daniel Reynaud
Sian Reynolds
Sam Rohdie
Margit Rohringer
Jane Roscoe
Robert A. Rosenstone
Daniel Ross
William D. Routt
Richard Rushton
Ann Rutherford
Tom Ryan
Hanu Salmi
Diana Sandars
Dave Sanjek
Lata Satyen
William Schaffer
Meredith Seaman
Brian Shoesmith
Gerald Sim
John Sinclair
Jeff Smith
Vivian Sobchack
Lesley Speed
Andrew Spicer
Brad Stevens
Katy Stevens
Kay Stevens
Sarah Street
Brett Sutcliffe
Brigid Sutherland
Sato Tadao
Sharon Lin Tay
Ben Taylor
Allan James Thomas
Kristin Thompson
Rick Thompson
Darren Tofts
Keyan Tomaselli
Yuri Tsivian
Sue Turnbull
William Uricchio
Ruth Vasey
Stephen Vaughn
Errol Veith
Con Verevis
Nanna Verhoeff
Deb Verhoeven
Terrie Waddell
Matt Wagner
Mike Walsh
Saige Walton
Matt Wanat
Chris Watson
Dave Watson
June Werrett
John West
Hayden White
Peter B. White
Timothy R. White
Gilles Willems
Craig Williams
Deane Williams
Sophie Williams
Brian Winston
Mark J.P. Wolf
Ken Woodgate
Maria Wyke
Bevin Yeatman
Brian Yecies
Lee Young-il
Stephen Zagala
Elaine Zalas
Patricia Zimmermann