Category Archive for: ‘Issue 43 – Reviews’

Cinema’s Baroque Flesh: Film, Phenomenology and the Art of Entanglement

Saige Walton Cinema’s Baroque Flesh: Film, Phenomenology and the Art of Entanglement Amsterdam University Press, 2016 ISBN: 9789089649515 Au$149.76 (hb) 278pp (Review copy supplied by Amsterdam University Press) In Cinema’s Baroque Flesh, Saige Walton presents a rich and deeply engaging media archaeology that finds a “strong sensorial continuity” (22) between the historical baroque’s painting, sculpture, prose, illustration, architecture and collecting …

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MS .45 (Cultographies series)

Alexandra Heller-Nicholas MS .45 (Cultographies series) Columbia University Press/Wallflower, 2017 ISBN: 9780231851053 Au$28.99 (pb) 156pp (Review copy supplied by Columbia University Press) Alexander Heller-Nicholas begins her scholarly and engaging book on MS .45 with the compelling claim, that “few films have left quite the same cultural imprint as Abel Ferrara’s 1981 film MS .45”. (p. 1) She then proceeds to …

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