Category Archive for: ‘Issue 17 – First Release’

Esfir Shub and the Film Factory-Archive: Soviet documentary from 1925-1928

From the pre-Revolutionary period in Russia through January 1936, Soviet film studios were known as “film factories” (kinofabriki). Leftist theorists and filmmakers such as Viktor Shklovsky, Dziga Vertov, and Esfir Shub were three among a number of people who exploited the symbolic potential of the term. [1]  By making films in “factories,” cultural producers became workers like any others, eliminating …

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Jean Rouch’s Ciné-Ethnography: at the conjunction of research, poetry and politics

Looking back at it, I think that we had a crazy chance to live through a crazy time. Everything that my generation learned during the previous twenty years was revealed to be an illusion in just one month in May 1940. The army, Verdun, France, honor, dignity, money, church, work, society, family, economic man, libido, historical materialism – everything had …

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The energy of disappearing: problems of recycling Nazi amateur film footage

The fragment, as fragments, tends to dissolve the totality which it presupposes and which it carries off toward the dissolution from which it does not (properly speaking) form, but to which it exposes itself in order, disappearing— and along with it, all identity—to maintain itself as the energy of disappearing: a repetitive energy, the limit that bears upon limitation (Maurice …

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The photoplay as emergent media form: Victor O. Freeburg and Vachel Lindsay on photoplay aesthetics

It is a commonplace in discussions of new media to find a link being made between new media and cinema. Usually this link amounts to an observation that just as it took many years for cinema to find its language, or its art, multimedia will need to go through a similar nascent or adolescent phase. [1] New media is thus …

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