Deleuze and World Cinemas
David Martin-Jones Deleuze and World Cinemas London: New York; Continuum, 2011 ISBN: 9780826436429 US$34.95 (pb) 288pp (Review copy supplied by Continuum publishers) The reception of Deleuze’s Cinéma books in academia…
David Martin-Jones Deleuze and World Cinemas London: New York; Continuum, 2011 ISBN: 9780826436429 US$34.95 (pb) 288pp (Review copy supplied by Continuum publishers) The reception of Deleuze’s Cinéma books in academia…
Jonathan Rosenbaum, Goodbye Cinema, Hello Cinephilia: Film Culture in Transition University of Chicago, 2010 ISBN: 9 7802 267266 56 US$25.00 (pb) 408pp (Review copy supplied by University of Chicago Press)…