Uploaded 4 October, 2017. Dossier: Post-KubrickPost-Kubrick: On the Filmmaker’s Influence and LegacyMick BroderickCurating Kubrick: Constructing New Perspective Narratives in Stanley Kubrick ExhibitionsJames FenwickFrom 2001: Space Odyssey to Avatar – Reflections on Cultural Impact and Academic ResearchPeter KrämerThe Stanley Kubrick Archive: A Filmmaker’s LegacyRichard DanielsIntertextuality, Synchronicity and Nostalgia: Trans-cultural Influences of Kubrick’s The Shining on Hong Kong Ghost HorrorYeqi ZhuWriting and Rewriting Kubrick: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Kubrickian Memoirs and…Filippo UlivieriThe Post-Kubrickian: Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Adaptation and A.I. Artificial IntelligenceMatt MeliaKubrick’s (Dark) Shadows(s) on Contemporary Horror, Fantasy and Science FictionStella LouisAnimating Kubrick – Auteur Influences in The SimpsonsMick Broderick Dossier: The Future of Film Studies in the Age of MediaThe Future of Film Studies in the Age of Media Studies: IntroductionConstantine Verevis and Deane WilliamsTeaching Film Studies in the Age of Media StudiesTherese DavisFrom the OutsideNoel KingBefore Something and After Something Else: Film Studies in the Age of Media StudiesGeorge KouvarosFilm, Cinema and the DigitalAngela NdalianisFilm – and Film Study – in the Age of DigitilisationDana Polan First ReleaseLynsey Martin’s Formalism: The Original, the Copy and the CloneDirk de BruynPrurient Exuberance: Early Australian Sex Hygiene Films and the Origins of OzploitationLesley SpeedAficionados Americanos: A Study of Painting and Spanish Bullfighting in Julian Schnabel’s Basquiat and Dennis Hopper’s…Joanna Elena BatsakisFlesh Memories: Embodying Personal Trauma Through The Illustrated AuschwitzStephanie Tell ReviewsFilm ModernismHamish Ford Classics & Re-runsThe Modern DramaMaurice Maeterlinck