Towards a History of Australian Film Criticism
The “public” spaces of film criticism - by which we mean film reviews and essays - are what most Australians think of as comprising film criticism. These public spaces of…
The “public” spaces of film criticism - by which we mean film reviews and essays - are what most Australians think of as comprising film criticism. These public spaces of…
[1] Any Melbourne Cup race is a dramatic competition. In 1896, Newhaven was the favourite and, having streaked past the finishing post six lengths ahead of the other horses, was…
When the Hollywood silent movie actress Claire Adams married Australian grazier Donald “Scobie” Mackinnon in 1937, the Australian press embraced the event as a glamorous love story. [1] After the…
Two major studies of Hungarian filmmaker Béla Tarr have been published in English recently, and both are impressively comprehensive, so rather than repeating their work I will take a more…
Abstract: This article explores how the film Toomelah (2011) by Australian Indigenous filmmaker Ivan Sen amounts to an affirmation of the values of intercultural dialogue between peoples who do not…
Introduction: Altman’s Last Stand, or Buffalo Bill and the Indians and the Bicentennial Western [I]n Paris they referred to McCabe [& Mrs. Miller] as an anti-western and they called it…
Abstract: Costume designers, like many artists working in Hollywood, were required to master their own craft while also understanding how their creative decisions would impact others working on the same…
In the course of the research for my doctoral thesis, The Hollywood Left and McCarthyism: The Political and Aesthetic Legacy of the Red Scare, in February of 2010 I was…
Interviewed February 14, 2010 Can we start with your response to what are some common misconceptions about the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee), in terms of its aberration in the…
Interviewed February 12, 2010 I would like to start with your assessment of the film gris period in Hollywood and what it represented in the context of film noir. How…
Interviewed February 9, 2010 I’d like to discuss some interrelated issues concerning the legacy of the blacklisting period. They can be grouped into the categories of the industrial-economic legacy, the…
INTRODUCTION The New Hollywood Question What is the continuing appeal of Robert Altman’s 1970s cinema? If his once much-discussed and often critically praised films from the first half of that…
In his film noir Fallen Angel (1945), Otto Preminger depicts a passionate love triangle. Eric Stanton (Dana Andrews) is a stone-broke New York drifter and self-proclaimed press agent who reaches…