Reading, culture, and auteurs
Uploaded 1 March 2001 Why did it become fashionable to say we are "reading" a film? One reads a score; one hears music. One may read a score while hearing,…
Uploaded 1 March 2001 Why did it become fashionable to say we are "reading" a film? One reads a score; one hears music. One may read a score while hearing,…
Uploaded 1 March 2001 for Bill Krohn Edgar G.Ulmer (1904-72) suffered a series of strokes and toward the end of his life was almost totally paralyzed and unable to speak.…
Uploaded 1 March 2000 Ingrid Bergman in Rossellini's Giovanna d'Arco One would expect godless and nihilistic attitudes to be at antipodes with those of a very Catholic miracle play. In…
Uploaded 1 December 2001 | Modified Friday, 11 January 2002 D-Day, 6 June 1944. John Ford was there. Twenty years later, he said it was the most vivid experience of…
Uploaded 1 December 2001 How inadequate I feel, watching Kenji Mizoguchi's movies! I want to feel closer to his people, the way I feel close to John Ford's cowboys, Jean…
Uploaded 30 June 2000 The true hero, the true subject, the center of the Iliad is force. Force employed by man, force that enslaves man, force before which man's flesh shrinks away.…