Author Archive for: ‘Errol Vieth’
Genre and Contemporary Hollywood
Steve Neale (ed.), Genre and Contemporary Hollywood. London: British Film Institute, London, 2002. ISBN: 0851708870 322 pp £15.99 (pb) (Review copy supplied by British Film Institute) The publication of recent books on film genres evinces the popularity and applicability of the classificatory tool. [1] However, this tool has changed somewhat since Todorov invoked science methodology in an attempt to find …
Read MoreHollywood and the Culture Elite: How the Movies Became American
Peter Decherney, Hollywood and the Culture Elite: How the Movies Became American. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. ISBN: 0 231 13377 4 US$19.00 (pb) 272pp (Review copy supplied by Columbia University Press) The predominant tone of discussion about the US film industry – not only that industry, but also the totality of the US economy – is that it …
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