Paul Verhoeven and his Hollow Men
Uploaded 1 December 2001 Violence, action, psychotic characters, the darker side of sexuality, confused realities and unstable, disturbing social spaces: this is the world of Paul Verhoeven's films. A mathematics…
Uploaded 1 December 2001 Violence, action, psychotic characters, the darker side of sexuality, confused realities and unstable, disturbing social spaces: this is the world of Paul Verhoeven's films. A mathematics…
One of the perceived challenges facing film studies today concerns the transfer of film as our object of study into the digital domain. The materiality of film as celluloid is…
Alan Cholodenko (ed.), The Illusion of Life 2: More Essays on Animation. Sydney: Power Publications, 2007. ISBN: 9 78 0909952 34 1 AUD$59.95 (pb) 576pp (Review copy supplied by Power…
Sean Cubitt, The Cinema Effect. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The MIT Press. 2004 ISBN: 0 262 03312 7 464 pp Au$69.00 (hb) (Review copy supplied by MIT Press) Sean Cubitt's book The Cinema Effect is…